Alexander College

  • Burnaby | Vancouver
  • País Canadá
  • Duración 2 años
  • Nivel Título de Asociado
  • Permite trabajar
  • Carga horaria Full Time
  • Idiomas Inglés
  • ¿De qué se trata?

    The Associate of Arts degree is a two-year undergraduate program offered by many institutions in the province of British Columbia and beyond. The Associate Degree program is designed to provide broad-based knowledge and experiences which lay a foundation for further undergraduate study or entry to the workforce.

    What You Will Learn
    Students of the Associate of Arts (International Relations) Degree program will gain multi-disciplinary knowledge in the faculties of arts, humanities, and social science, and develop their critical thinking and research skills. The program also includes a customizable concentration in international relations, which allows students to explore contemporary and historic globalization, including trends and interactions between states and other organizations in the fields of politics, culture, and economics. Students develop a foundational understanding of interconnected, pressing issues that transcend regional and national importance.

    Program Structure
    The Associate of Arts (International Relations) Degree is a foundational degree consisting of 60 credits in total, typically completed over a two-year period. Program requirements include a range of breadth requirements, as well as required studies in economics, sociology, political science, international studies, history, and Asian studies.

    What You Can Do After Graduation
    Transfer to 2nd/3rd Year at a University
    An Associate of Arts (International Relations) Degree may be transferrable to the third year of a four-year bachelor’s degree program at a university.

    Some BC universities also admit Associate Degree graduates at a reduced GPA requirement. For more information on the option of transferring to a university upon completion of an Associate of Arts (International Relations) Degree, please consult the BC Transfer Guide or see an Academic Advisor.

    Enter the Workforce
    International students completing the Associate of Arts (International Relations) Degree program at Alexander College are also eligible to apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit.

    Burnaby Campus

    4805 Kingsway Burnaby, BC, Canada V5H 4T6


    #100 - 602 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC, Canada V6B 1P2

    Mapa del campus Vancouver

    ¿Qué necesitas para inscribirte en este programa?



    Ser mayor de edad (18 años)



    Se requiere al menos haber completado estudios de educación media, para poder acceder al curso.

    Idioma (IELTS 6.5 o equivalente)

    Idioma (IELTS 6.5 o equivalente)

    Tener un puntaje final 5.5 y ninguna banda menor a 5 IELTS o equivalente.



    Vigente y con el tiempo suficiente para aplicar al visado

    Trámites, gestión y administración

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    ¿Tienes los fondos necesarios para empezar una experiencia de estudios? Recomendamos un mínimo de 5.000 USD.

    Nota: Debes demostrar tu capacidad económica proporcionando documentación que respalde tu situación financiera.

    Nota: Debes demostrar tu capacidad económica proporcionando documentación que respalde tu situación financiera.